Monday, January 22, 2007

Assignment 2 Update

After a brief meeting at the end of class, this is the breakdown of work for assignment #2 until we get more information about what the assignment involves.

Fred will be making changes to the prototype to make sure it is up and running. If, for some reason, there are other issues that need to be addressed (for example, if we decide that the tasks we want cannot be accomplished effectively with the current design). He'll start with the things that Landay pointed out that are listed in the post just before this one.

Sierra will be giving the presenation on Friday. She is assuming all presentation-related responsibilities, such as putting the deck together.

Chris will be setting up the study.

I'll be walking through the prototype to make sure the tasks are correct. I'll also put together all the questions what will be asked during the study. When the time comes, I'll most likely be doing the write-up as well. As always, watch the blog for documentation in action.

The prototype, tasks, and questions should all be ready to go at the end of the day tomorrow. Hopefully we can get the study done by mid-day Thursday and the paper done shortly thereafter. I have two people lined up who can do the study, but we still need three more.

Alright, team. Break!

1 comment: said...

I've created the account at surveymonkey dot com. The survey shouldn't be much work, there will probably be 5 or 6 pages, one to address the user and link them to the prototype, 1 or 2 pages collecting feedback from each task.

as an aside, the Cluster webpage has grey text on grey background and is difficult to see the text.