Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is one for the history books.

The writeup (.doc), raw survey results (.xls), and Sierra's rockin' PowerPoint presentation are all linked off the docs section of the project web.

Moving forward, I hope everyone is thinking about design changes and solutions to the problems raised in this iteration. And good luck with those video prototypes ;)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Design Progress

From the results of the online survey, I think it's pretty easy to identify where we still have work to do and where we've made progress.

Location: I think we have the three states right and we've done a nice job of trimming the feedback to the user so that it is manageable enough to show on the home screen. The user is still confused as to what subset of their friends are able to see the information they broadcast so we need to find a better way of relating that information - probably also on the home screen. We should think about incorporating Fred's profiles and another indicator on the homescreen for the next iteration.

Calendar/Events: this stuff seems to be most of the way there, though we need to go through and rethink the wording. This will be very important to do before we build a real working prototype.

Social Networking/Map: This area needs a lot of work. We've taken a few different approaches to this and none of them have really shown a lot of promise yet. The map view is important to get right, but I feel strongly that it should not be the main view for this chunk of functionality. People are used to finding their friends through scrolling (or jumping, or searching) through a list. Though it might not be sexy, I think we should think more about trying this simple and classic approach. This needs to be usable before it can get fancy.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Managing Visibility

I'd like to float an idea about how we might change how the user manages visibility. As things stand right now, if the user is broadcasting their location at all, they're able to choose from a list of groups to whom their location will be visible. I'm not sure groups are the right way to manage things - it would seem that the set of people that I want to broadcast location updates to is so small that the task of grouping them is pointless. It's true the cluster is not meant to be some small close knit social network as loopt is - it's an aggregator for all of your social networking. I have over 700 facebook friends and even though I only know 0.5% of them, cluster allows me to interface with all of them. However, as far as location sharing goes, the set of people that I want to give my location to will always be small (I would guess around 15 or so people). So, if N is as little as 15 (or even 20), is grouping more of a pain than it's worth?

Grouping does have its benefits, though. The user could very quickly check "Friends" or "Family" from the list and instantly change their visibility status for several people all at once. What I'm proposing has this same property, but allows the user a little bit more flexibility at the same time. I'm proposing "Visibility Profiles". A profile is just a list of every one of your contacts, with a "Yes" marked for each one that can see your location, and a "No" marked for all those that can't. The user can make a profile, and then save it with a label. For example, I might make a profile called "Out drinking...", which basically shows everyone I know personally where I'm at, but perhaps hides my location from my boss or maybe my parents. Maybe I'm out getting coffee with an ex-girlfriend and I don't want my girlfriend to know: I could make a profile that includes everyone but her.

Here's a rough mock up of what I'm talking about. First, on the main screen it would involve adding a section that shows your visibility:

The user could then action on that section, and would go to another screen that might look something like this:

Here, the user could choose from any their pre-existing profiles. (Note: Change the "Recent Profiles" text to just read "Profiles" - it would list them all). Or, they could choose to make a custom "On-the-go" profile. If they create a custom profile, they could choose to inherit the setup from any of their existing profiles. Or, they could use "Select All" or "Select None" followed by a few individual people selections to quickly build profiles where all but a few people could see their location, or just a few people could see their location.

In the above example, I've created a custom / "On-the-go" profile and I want everyone but Carolyn's Mom and my Dad to know where I'm at. I could then save that profile under any label I wish and use it again later.

The profiles idea is also meant to take into account that, when deciding whether to disclose location to someone, you're influenced by a combination of, one, your relationship to the person, and two, the activity you're currently engaged in. If users had this feature, I would expect to see a lot of profile labels correspond directly to activities or some grouping of activities.

Updated Survey page

I've added four questions to gather some data on the survey demographics- I'm not sure if everyone got a chance to look at it the first time around -- please take a look and see what should be changed/submit miscellaneous feedback. Also I need to add some thing about privacy/disclosure.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Survey Created and Online


The survey is up- I want to make sure that the rest of the group thinks it looks kosher before I send out the invites.

Usability Survey For Assignment 2

The tasks for the online usability study are:

Easy: Find out if your friend Sierra is nearby.
Medium: Hide your location from your Mom.
Hard: Invite your family and friends out for dinner tonight.

The easy task should be followed by these questions:
1) Did you find out how far Sierra is away from you? (yes/no)
2) How far away is she? (fill in the blank)
3) How hard was it to accomplish this task? (easy, medium, hard)
4) Is there anything you liked or didn't like about finding out if a friend is near by? (comment box)

The medium task should be followed by these questions:
1) What color is the indicator dot at the bottom of the home screen (green, yellow, red)
2) Who do you think can see your location right now (no one, some of my contacts, all of my contacts)
3) How hard was it to accomplish this task? (easy, medium, hard)
4) Is there anything you liked or didn't like about hiding from someone? (comment box)

The medium task should be followed by these questions:
1) After you accomplished this task - what position in your upcoming events did the dinner show up in? (1,2,3,4,5)
2) Rate the amount of time it took you to accomplish this task (just right, a little too long, a lot too long)
3) How hard was it to accomplish this task? (easy, medium, hard)
4) Is there anything you liked or didn't like about event invites?

At the end there should also be an open comment box where they can give any feedback they want on the UI.

For each task, question one shows us where in the UI the user ended up, question two shows us how well they are gleaning context from the cues in the application, question three rates the level of difficulty in accomplishing the task, and question four is an open comment prompt.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Assignment 2 Update

After a brief meeting at the end of class, this is the breakdown of work for assignment #2 until we get more information about what the assignment involves.

Fred will be making changes to the prototype to make sure it is up and running. If, for some reason, there are other issues that need to be addressed (for example, if we decide that the tasks we want cannot be accomplished effectively with the current design). He'll start with the things that Landay pointed out that are listed in the post just before this one.

Sierra will be giving the presenation on Friday. She is assuming all presentation-related responsibilities, such as putting the deck together.

Chris will be setting up the study.

I'll be walking through the prototype to make sure the tasks are correct. I'll also put together all the questions what will be asked during the study. When the time comes, I'll most likely be doing the write-up as well. As always, watch the blog for documentation in action.

The prototype, tasks, and questions should all be ready to go at the end of the day tomorrow. Hopefully we can get the study done by mid-day Thursday and the paper done shortly thereafter. I have two people lined up who can do the study, but we still need three more.

Alright, team. Break!

Prototype Fixes

Attention Team Cluster, there is an assignment due this Friday.

There is no assignment description yet, but there are a few things we can do to get ready for it. Landay pointed out a few holes in the working prototype that need to be fixed before it can be used in a usability test:
  • There is a missing link in changing your location status from "don't follow me" back to "automatic." This is just a little code bug.
  • Checkboxes should be "workable" as this a medium-fidelity prototype, even if they don't trigger a conditional. Static drawn-in boxes are not okay.
Stay tuned as there WILL be an all-team meeting as soon as the assignment description is out. Hopefully it will be in the next 24 hours so we can divide up the work effectively.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Assignment 1 And The Next Go 'Round

Assignment 1 is all done, up on the web, and the paper is handed in.

Okay, first of all I need to say that I love each and every member of team Cluster unconditionally. And second of all, I need to say that this assignment was particularly abysmal as far as the balance of work across the team goes. Last quarter, there was a bit of an understanding about certain of the members not contributing or only being able to in very specific ways. I really hope that this quarter doesn't turn out to be that way. That said, I think this assignment had a lot of special circumstances for the group since we had trouble getting everyone up to speed. I'm sure that if we deal with it now it won't be an issue from here on out.

The best way to guarantee that we can work effectively as a team is to have an all-hands meeting at the beginning of the next assignment. We'll be able to get everyone in the same place and set explicit roles for the assignment - since the "so-and-so will pick up your slack" method doesn't seem to be working out so well. Not only will this help with fair distribution of work, it will be much better for the design to get a more open dialog going. I want to have the meeting as soon as the assignment description is out.

Also, I'm beginning to feel a strong need for specific design documentation outside of this blog and the papers we turn in for the assignments. As we nail down more and more details, it's harder to maintain the vision when we're jumping through hoops for the various assignments which only require certain parts (and lower fidelity) to be described. A living document would help us keep track of details and we could just glean what we need for each assignment. However, that is probably WAY beyond the scope of this project.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Web Page

The Web Page is back up - though it moved into space for the current quarter. You can find it here.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Trimming the UI

Cluster has been overhauled.

After much debate, we concluded that the tri-module+big red button thing wasn't really working out for Cluster and we're going to make some changes. The calendaring functionality still looks largely the same and is found in the same place, but the majority of the home screen space is now devoted to social networking. It works almost like a facebook mini-feed only it gives more relevant information like place and status updates for your friends (true to the "context-aware social-networking" mission of the project). The only other thing on the home screen is on the very bottom, there is a color indicator and some text to give the location information that the user is currently displaying about themselves to their network.

All of the social-networking functionality is now found in ONE location and is almost completely independent of any UI related to the user themselves. This will help avoid confusion about the role the user's location information plays in this functionality. From here the user can also get to a map view that shows people in their latest updated location (if they are currently broadcasting). Whether the user selects a friend from the map view or from the search/mini-feed view, they will get the same profile information aggregated form their social networking sites.

There are now three options for location broadcast:
  • GREEN - follow me around (dynamic)
  • YELLOW - broadcast one my favorite locations (static)
  • RED - don't broadcast anything
The UI to set this is found through the notification deal at the bottom of the home screen. The user will need to select the groups the information is visible to for both Green and Yellow and also select a favorite location for Yellow. Both the most recently used groups and favorite locations will be saved to be set again easily during future use. The selection sequence for these triggers has an "ipod" feel to it.

All local search functionality has been removed. We'd still like to include it in the design eventually, but it's more important to keep Cluster usable.

Automatic Updates

I really feel that CLUSTER needs automatic updates. Frankly, if we don't do automatic updates, we're taking the easy way out. There's a whole host of privacy and UI issues that we'll be dodging completely if the location is always set manually. Further, I think if the burden is too high, people just simply won't use the service.

In my opinion, the reason Dodgeball failed was because it was too much of a hassle to use. If I hop from one bar to the next and send a check-in message to dodgeball, it's going to take at least a minute or two - that's time when I'm just sitting there staring at my phone and not paying attention to anyone. If for some reason I get the name of the bar wrong in the check-in message, it could take several minutes as Dodgeball would have to reply back with a list of possible venues that match the name I sent, and then I have to send yet another message. (It's true, the dodgeball experience was made worse by the incredibly slow SMS responses from their system, but it shouldn't be this way anyways).

I think we should do everything possible to make the experience of using CLUSTER as least demanding as possible on the user. The technology isn't a problem - we can auto sense location, so I think we should go for it.

Off-topic: We could piggy back on top of the 3jam service to offer some interesting group messaging features. Actually, we could use 3jam as the conduit for all of our location disclosures as well. It's maybe not the most efficient way to distribute the information, but it might be the easiest to implement.

How the other guys do it...

In my inaugural blog post, I'll be talking about how loopt does things...

As far as location disclosure goes, loopt gives users 3 modes of operation: all of my friends can see my location, only some of my friends can see my location, or no one can see my location. If you choose the "some friends" option, you can block individual friends from seeing your location, one by one. Whichever setting you choose, it persists until you decide to change it. The UI also makes it easy to see which mode you are in at a glance - a special icon is placed in the corner of the screen that indicates the mode.

Of course, loopt also allows you to lie about your location just as CLUSTER does, although nowhere in the UI is it referred to as "lying". In the app settings, the user can choose between automatic location updates via GPS/CellID, or they can manually set their location with a street address or by just placing a dot on the map. So, loopt allows you to lie about your location, but you're either lying to everyone or no one. Clearly there are instances where you want to lie to a certain group of people (significant other, perhaps employer, parents, maybe the person whom you told you were "staying in tonight"). But, is the group of people you want to lie to (or at least deny location information) always the same? The loopt UI assumes this to be true, as it allows for one of group of people that can see your location and another group that can't (via the "some friends" option). I don't think so - I think it's a little more complicated than that. For example, I can envision scenarios where I might want to lie to my parents and no one else, where i might want to lie to my girlfriend and no one else, or where i might want to lie to both my parents and my girlfriend. Making a UI that accommodates these sorts of scenarios without placing too huge of a burden on the user would certainly be difficult, so perhaps loopt has struck the right balance.

Also, if someone doesn't want to disclose their location, is it better to lie or just not disclose any location at all? What are the conclusions someone draws from not being able to see your location? Does it mean you're not running the application? Does it mean your hiding something from them? You'd like to have plausible deniability and be able to say that you just forgot to run the app or there was something wrong with your phone, but I think as these applicatons become more common place and more integrated with the phone, that will become less of an option and people will assume your doing something you don't want them to see.

There's a sort of analog to this with normal cell phone usage. When you're trying to avoid someone and not answer their phone call, the only option is to let it ring 4 times and go to voicemail or to leave your phone off altoghether. If it rings any less than 4 times and goes to voicemail, the person on the other end knows you clicked "ignore", and maybe they want to know why. If the phone doesn't ring at all, or you let it ring until voicemail, you could just say that you left your phone on silent or you were in a dead spot. Are there equally plausible excuses for not disclosing your location in applications like loopt or Cluster?

loopt also allows you to message one or more of your friends from within the application, but it's really nothing more than a front-end on top of SMS. That is, it's not like 3jam where replies to group messages go to whole group rather than just the message sender.

When viewing the location of your friends, either on the map or in the list view, each friend's name, latest status message, and distance from you (in miles/km) is shown. They also have a journaling feature, whereby you can log your status messages or other random items, including photos. In fact, whenever you set your status, you have the option of automatically saving the status message to your journal. Friends can then browse and leave comments on any of your journal entries.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Heuristic Violations in Denim Prototype

The assignment that is due this Friday involves taking the heuristic violations our peers found in our DENIM prototype and making adjustments to the design in order to address them. Basically, we're "fixing" our DENIM prototype now that we're a quarter into the design process and we have some feedback to work with.

A number of the issues stem from confusion about the delineation between your posted location (the one that other people can see) and your actual current physical location:
  • Location information is resident in different places in the UI - currently broadcasted settings through the bottom "profile" view, details about the world around you through the "local search." Why are they so far apart when they fall under the same "location" umbrella?
  • How does falsifying location fit into this - do you do it through local search (even though this is an "honest" view) or is there a more sneaky way to do it?
  • The inability to tell if distances are measured from your real location, the "current location" you're displaying, or whatever location you have selected on the map.

We have two options in dealing with this feedback. The first is to more clearly define the different location feature areas for the users. I strongly believe that by taking this approach, we would be fighting a losing battle. To familiarize the user with three different concepts of location (currently displayed, current physical, and possible next update) with clear boundaries and no overlapping UI will prove very difficult.

Instead, I think we should consider reducing the number of different locations we present to the user. It is necessary to include:
  • current location - it is central to our project and is important for deriving the state of the user for use in other functionality.
  • "lying" about your current location - we decided early on that this is a must-have feature.
I believe displaying the static "last updated location" is not only unhelpful, but redundant and confusing to the user. This makes our major design problem "how to allow for the broadcast of real time location information and also facilitate lying without turning the functionality off." I don't have the answer to this question yet, but one way would be to support zoom (e.g. zooming out from "Finn's" to "Seattle" so my Mom doesn't know I'm out drinking but also doesn't think I'm hiding from her).

Regardless of what we decide to do here, by fixing these areas, we will address the majority of the heuristic violations that were described in the evaluation. Though I doubt any design change will be linked as a direct answer to a specific complaint, we can answer them as a group and thus accomplish the assignment.

There are also some simple fixes that need to be made:
  • Distances less than one mile should be notated in blocks.
  • Reduce steps it takes to accomplish any task (e.g. create event, send SMS).
  • Add a "back" button - though this was "by design" in the original interface. We might not want to change this.
  • Label navigation off the home screen (this will be important regardless of how we change the navigation - the user needs to have some idea of where to go right off the bat).
  • Scope the search box in Local Search.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Open-Ended Design

Before the quarter gets ramped up again, I wanted to give my thoughts on the current state of Cluster and what I see as a burning need for a more open-ended design. I feel as if we've put a lot of effort into building the UI in anticipation of the user's specific wants in executing only the tasks we've set forth. We're trying to force the user to arrive at a sequence of steps to walk through very specific scenarios. This has led to the extensively segmented and chronological feel of the application.

Because we started out with the idea of partitioned functionality (roughly, the three buttons on the home screen and the big red button) and have been designing to accommodate only specific tasks, we stumble upon shared UI as an afterthought - haphazardly drawing parallels into the design. Though it is a methodical way to approach the design process, it strikes me as reckless. If we want to force users down certain paths to execute tasks, it doesn't make sense to make the application labyrinthine.

Instead of returning to the segregation of functionality in order to restore the clarity of the design, I think we should move toward taking a more open-ended approach. Instead of forcing the user down a single path for tasks, we should look into making each path as broadly functional is possible. This eliminates the need for separately anticipating and accommodating every single quirky notion the user might get. By doing this, we'll eliminate a lot of unnecessary overhead and may even see the need to completely get rid of any notion of segregation.

Note, this is purely a change in the philosophy of how we should approach designing the navigation - it is not a call to throw in any new functionality. I just think that Cluster could have a more comprehensive approach that would be more useful on a broad scale and eliminate the need to corral the user into behaving the way we expect them to.